4th ETC 2019

4th European Taiko Conference


Thursday 21st – Sunday 24th February 2019


The Sunderhof, Hamburg, Germany



An introduction to 4th European Taiko Conference can be found below in English, German, Italian, Spanish and French.

An explanation of the design of the logo for 4th European Taiko Conference can be found below.

Video of Photos from 4th European Taiko Conference

Set to a taiko soundtrack, click here to see a video of photos from the Conference.

Keynote Address:

A video of the keynote address, by Jonathan Kirby, can be watched by clicking the image above. “What are you saying with your taiko? How well are you saying it? How do you go about getting feedback on what you are saying?” These are some of the questions explored in this presentation, as well as some of the problems and pitfalls of copying Japanese taiko.


Details of workshop leaders
can be found here.


4th European Taiko Conference

In 2018, the 3rd European Taiko Conference was concerned with sharing repertoire that could be played by groups all across Europe. We’ve already seen the fruits of that at events such as Taikopalooza, Taiko Spirit, KionSai and doubtless many more.

In 2019, the 4th European Taiko Conference will focus on how to find your own voice through taiko. Shared repertoire is hugely important because it helps us all join together and build community, whoever we are and wherever we are. But it’s also important to use original repertoire and creative performance to help express yourself through taiko so that other people can understand you and your experience of the world. And, of course, it’s important to be an audience for other people’s taiko too, for your own learning.

Delegates at 4th European Taiko Conference will take a 2-hour workshop with each of our four workshop leaders (to be announced later this week). These workshops will focus on musical creativity and also on the personal aspect of this – taking risks, thinking outside the box, having courage.
Additionally, there will be short presentations and discussion sessions. These will be conducted in English, but with language support in French, German, Italian and Spanish.

As well as informal performances in the evening, there will also be early-morning taiko drills for those who can’t get too much taiko!
Best of all, there will be nearly 100 people staying onsite together, eating, drinking, talking, playing and watching taiko together, people who all care about the art form and who are all keen to grow as taiko players, in the broadest possible sense.

The 4th European Taiko Conference has sold out, but people are welcome to sign up to the waiting list, to take a place if someone unfortunately has to drop out. If you are interested, please email: info@eurotaiko.org

Die 4.Europäische Taiko Konferenz

Der Schwerpunkt der Konferenz von 2018 lag auf dem Teilen von Repertoire, das von allen Gruppen in ganz Europa gespielt werden konnte. Wir haben die Früchte davon schon auf Veranstaltungen wie Taikopalooza, Taiko Spirit, KionSai und ohne Zweifel noch vielen anderen, sehen dürfen.

Im Jahre 2019 wird sich die Europäische Taiko Konferenz in erster Linie darauf konzentrieren, wie man durch Taiko seine eigene Stimme finden kann.
Gemeinsames und geteiltes Repertoire hat eine enorme Wichtigkeit, weil es uns hilft, zusammen zu kommen und zu einer Gemeinschaft zu werden, egal, wo oder wer wir sind. Es ist aber auch wichtig, eigenes Repertoire und eine kreative Darstellungsweisezu nutzen, um sich selbst durch Taiko auszudrücken, so daß andere Menschen Dich, Deine Erfahrung und Sicht von Welt verstehen können. Darüberhinaus ist es natürlich wichtig ein Publikum für das Taikospiel Anderer zu sein, um den eigenen Erfahrungshorizont zu erweitern.

Die Teilnehmer der 4. Europäischen Taiko Konferenz werden einen 2-Stunden Workshop mit jedem der 4 Workshop Leiter (diese werden in Kürze bekant gegeben) haben. Diese Workshops werden sich auf musikalische Kreativität und besonders die persönlichen Aspekte davon konzentrieren – Risiken eingehen, weggehen vom Schubladendenken, Mut zeigen.
Außerdem wird es kurze Präsentationen und Diskussionseinheiten geben. Diese werden auf Englisch gehalten, allerdings mit Sprachunterstützung in Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch und Spanisch.

Und zusätzlich zu den informellen Darbietungen am Abend, wird es „Frühmorgentaiko“ geben, für diejenigen, die nicht genug von Taiko bekommen können.

Aber das Beste von allem ist wohl, daß fast 100 Leute gemeinsame Zeit miteinander verbringen, am selben Ort übernachten, essen, trinken, sich unterhalten, zusammen Taiko spielen und anschauen, alle mit dem gemeinsamen Interesse, sich um die Kunstform Taiko zu kümmern und als Taikospieler zu wachsen, im umfaßendsten nur erdenklichen Sinne.

Die 4. Europäische Taiko Konferenz ist ausgebucht, aber es ist immer noch möglich sich auf die Warteliste setzen zu lassen, um doch noch einen Platz ergattern zu können, sollte jemand unglücklicherweise absagen müssen. Bei Interesse, schreibe bitte eine email an: info@eurotaiko.org

4ª European Taiko Conference

En 2018 el encuentro puso enfásis en un repertorio compartido que pudiera ser tocado por grupos de toda Europa. Hemos visto los frutos en eventos como Taikopalooza, Taiko Spirit, KionSai y muchos otros.

En 2019, la 4ª European Taiko Conference se centrará en cómo encontrar tu propia voz a través del taiko. El repertorio compartido es tremendamente importante porque nos ayuda a tocar juntxs y a construir comunidad, independientemente de quiénes seamos o de dónde estemos. Pero también es importante usar repertorio original y creatividad en las actuaciones para ayudarte a expresarte a través del taiko, y así otras personas puedan saber más de ti y tu forma de entender el mundo. Por supuesto, es igualmente importante ver qué hacen otras personas con el taiko, para tu propio aprendizaje.

L@s delegad@s de la 4ª European Taiko Conference asistirán a talleres de 2 horas con cada un@ de l@s profesor@s (workshop leaders) – que se anunciarán esta semana. Estos talleres se centrarán en la creatividad musical y sus aspectos personales: asumir riesgos, pensar más allá de lo establecido, ser valiente.

Adicionalmente habrá presentaciones cortas y sesiones de debate (discussion sessions). Serán en inglés, aunque habrá apoyo lingüístico en francés, alemán, italiano y castellano.
Habrá actuaciones informales por la noche, así como práctica de patrones (drills) por la mañana temprano, ¡para quienes no tengan suficiente taiko!

Lo mejor de todo: habrá casi 100 personas reunidas en un solo lugar, comiendo, bebiendo, hablando, tocando taiko y viéndolo juntas. Personas a las que les importa el arte del taiko y quieren crecer como taikistas en su sentido más amplio.

La 4ª European Taiko Conference tiene todas las plazas cubiertas, pero animamos a la gente a que se inscriba en la lista de espera, por si alguien desafortunadamente tiene que renunciar a su plaza. Si te interesa, por favor envía un correo a: info@eurotaiko.org

4ème conférence européenne de Taiko

En 2018, la conférence avait pour objectif de partager un répertoire pouvant être joué par des groupes dans toute l’Europe. Nous en avons déjà vu les fruits lors d’événements tels que Taikopalooza, Taiko Spirit, KionSai et bien d’autres.

En 2019, la 4ème Conférence européenne de Taiko se concentrera sur la manière de trouver sa propre voix à travers le taiko. Un répertoire partagé est extrêmement important car il nous aide tous à nous unir et à créer une communauté, qui que nous soyons et où que nous soyons. Néanmoins il est également important d’utiliser un répertoire original et des performances créatives pour pouvoir vous exprimer à travers le taiko, afin que d’autres personnes puissent vous comprendre et comprendre votre vision du monde. Et bien sûr, il est aussi important d’être le public d’autres formes artistiques du taiko aussi bien pour vous que pour votre propre apprentissage.

Les participants à la 4ème Conférence européenne Taiko participeront à un atelier de deux heures avec chacun des quatre animateurs d’atelier (annonce plus tard cette semaine). Ces ateliers porteront sur la créativité musicale mais aussi sur des aspects comme : la prise de risques, sortir des sentiers battus, avoir du courage.
En outre, il y aura de courtes présentations et des séances de discussion. Celles-ci se dérouleront en anglais, mais avec une aide et prise en charge linguistique en français, allemand, italien et espagnol.

En plus des représentations informelles dans la soirée, il y aura également des exercices de taiko tôt le matin pour ceux qui n’en ont jamais assez de jouer du taiko!
Mieux encore, près de 100 personnes seront présentes sur place, mangeant, buvant, discutant, jouant et regardant le taiko ensemble, des personnes qui se soucient de toutes les formes artistiques et qui souhaitent grandir en tant que joueurs de taiko, au sens le plus large possible.

La 4ème Conférence européenne de Taiko est complète, néanmoins les personnes ne possédant pas de réservation sont invitées à s’inscrire sur la liste d’attente au cas où une personne doive malheureusement se retirer. Si vous êtes intéressé, envoyez un email à: info@eurotaiko.org

ETC4: Quarto Convegno Europeo del Taiko

Nel 2018 il convegno era finalizzato alla condivisione di un repertorio che potesse essere suonato dai gruppi di tutta l’Europa. Ne abbiamo visti i risultati in eventi come Taikopalooza, Taiko Spirit, KionSai e, senza dubbio, molti altri.

Nel 2019, il quarto Convegno sarà incentrato su come trovare la vostra voce ed esprimervi attraverso il taiko. Un repertorio condiviso è molto importante perchè ci aiuta ad unirci e costruire una comunità, chiunque siamo e dovunque ci troviamo. Ma è anche importante dar vita ad un repertorio originale e a performances creative che ci aiutino ad esprimerci attraverso il taiko, cosicché altre persone possano cogliere chi voi siate e la vostra esperienza del mondo. E, certamente, è anche importante essere un buon pubblico per le performance di taiko degli altri, in modo da imparare da esse.

I delegati al quarto Convegno Europeo del taiko avranno la possibilità di frequentare due ore di workshop con ognuno dei quattro workshop leader (che saranno annunciati più tardi questa settimana). Questi workshop saranno incentrati sulla creatività musicale e sulle sue implicazioni personali: assumersi i rischi di esprimersi, pensare fuori dagli schemi, avere coraggio.

Inoltre ci saranno brevi presentazioni e sessioni di discussione. Saranno condotte in inglese, ma con un supporto linguistico in francese, tedesco, italiano e spagnolo.

Ci saranno le performance la sera e gli esercizi della mattina presto for quelli che vogliono ancora più taiko!
Ma la cosa più bella sarà avere circa 100 persone che staranno insieme, a mangiare, bere, chiacchierare, suonare e guardare il taiko insieme. Persone che hanno in comune di avere a cuore questa forma artistica a che desiderano crescere come suonatori di taiko nel senso più ampio possibile.

I posti per ETC4 sono esauriti, ma le persone interessate sono comunque invitate ad iscriversi alla lista d’attesa, per prendere il posto di chiunque dovesse sfortunatamente rinunciare. SE siete interessati, per favore, scrivete a: info@eurotaiko.org

4th European Taiko Conference

About the logo…

The original ETC logo was designed by Guy Cracknell – the lettering and the text showing where and when the Conference would take place. For 4th European Taiko Conference, the design has been developed by Yanis Paikos. Yanis explains:

“At the closing session of ETC3, Silke Hanzen shared her idea that all delegates are like ‘fireflies’ flying away from the conference and spreading its light. This beautiful metaphor inspired the design for the ETC4 logo as it was received with enthusiasm by the other delegates, and it also reflects one of the core principles of the conference – the sharing of ideas and experiences. The idea is represented by showing a taiko drum, where the skin is the conference hub and the tacks are the delegates-fireflies flying away, all over Europe and beyond, sharing the light.”
The logo appears on the t-shirts for 4th European Taiko Conference:



Workshop Leaders for 4th European Taiko Conference, Hamburg, 21-24 February 2019


PJ Hirabayashi

PJ Hirabayashi, is Artistic Director Emeritus of San Jose Taiko, founded in San Jose Japantown in 1973 with her husband, Roy Hirabayashi, and colleagues. She is a taiko artist/teacher, composer/choreographer, collaborator, mentor, activator/activist, holistic innovator, community-builder, and energy practitioner.
PJ and Roy received the National Endowment of the Arts National Heritage Fellowship in 2011, the USA’s highest honor in folk and traditional arts. Together, they have been awarded for their work and impact within communities: Silicon Valley Creates Legacy Laureate, San Jose Arts Commission Cornerstone of the Arts, Bunka Hall of Fame, and the Alliance for California Traditional Arts Master Program. PJ’s current project is “TaikoPeace”, an extension of San Jose Taiko’s 4 Principles, her Peace Ambassadorship with the Shift Network’s Summer of Peace, and Karen Armstrong’s Charter for Compassion. “TaikoPeace” is a creative initiative that inspires personal, social, and global change through the art of taiko.
Click here for an interview given by PJ and Roy Hirabayashi at the American Folklife Center of the Library of Congress in Washington D.C.
Click here for a DiscoverNikkei interview with PJ talking about the experience of taking Japanese American taiko to Japan in 1987.

Shogo Yoshii

Shogo Yoshii was born in Tokyo, and grew up in Yokohama Japan. As a musician and composer, he works with Japanese folk music, which he has travelled the length and breadth of Japan to study and collect.
From 2003-2013, he was a member of Kodo, the world-famous taiko performing arts ensemble. On stage, he is featured on taiko drums, bamboo flute, kokyu (Japanese violin),metallic percussion, and dance.
Today, his original compositions are used in many contemporary arts, not only for stage performance but also TV documentaries.


Jonathan Kirby

Jonathan Kirby creates and performs new taiko that is true to his cultural roots and consistent with his approach to the world at large. As the founder and Artistic Director of Kagemusha Taiko he has spent the last 20 years developing a unique voice within the art form. Repertoire such as Kindred Spirit reflects Jonathan’s background in rock’n’roll, and the poignant yet joyful trilogy A Good Death explores novel compositional structures and rhythmic motifs.
Kagemusha Taiko Group has been recognized and praised within the greater taiko world for its unique and influential voice in the art form and has performed to critical acclaim in Europe, the United States and Japan. For Jonathan, taiko is not “art for art’s sake”, nor is it simply entertainment. He and his group have taken taiko into a wide range of social and educational situations, showing how it can have a significantly beneficial effect on people’s lives.
Jonathan is the author of The Way of the Drum – Taiko without Borders as well as a range of teaching books and videos.


Fumi Tanakadate

Fumi Tanakadate is a taiko artist and pianist based in New York, who has a unique combination of expertise in European Classical music and a background in traditional folk dance and music from Japan. After studying extensively with Kaoru Watanabe, Fumi now performs frequently with Watanabe, often in a duo setting where she plays taiko and piano and sings, sometimes doing all at once. has performed at such venues as Joe’s Pub, National Sawdust, Pioneer Works, the Metropolitan Museum of Arts, the Rubin Museum of Art, Super Deluxe in Tokyo and at PASIC, Percussive Arts Society International Convention. Fumi has collaborated with Shane Shanahan of the Silkroad Ensemble, Brooklyn Raga Massive, Chieko Kojima and Yuta Sumiyoshi of KODO, Alicia Hall Moran, Satoshi Takeishi and Kiyohiko Semba.
Fumi also serves as the primary instructor at Kaoru Watanabe Taiko Center, teaching classes and giving educational workshops at local schools and colleges.
As a classical pianist, Fumi has performed in Japan, USA, Austria, and Spain. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Earth and Environmental Sciences from Wesleyan University and a Master of Music degree in piano performance from Manhattan School of Music.

Taiko Drills Before Breakfast

For those who simply can’t get enough taiko playing, the European Taiko Conference offers early-morning taiko drills. This year, the drills will be led by
Martin Doyle and Shonagh Walker:

Martin has been drumming for 25 years, first as a kit drummer in various rock and metal bands and has been playing Taiko for the last eight years. He discovered taiko whilst undertaking an Honours Degree in Popular Music Performance at Perth UHI. After graduating University with First Class Honours, he toured and performed around the UK and abroad for the next five years as part of a professional Taiko ensemble. Martin is currently the lead instructor, composer, and artistic director of Tsuchigumo Daiko, a group he co-founded in February 2016 with his partner Shonagh to set about exploring possibilities within taiko, and provide an outlet to express his love of music, drumming, rhythm, martial arts, and physical fitness.
Shonagh has been playing Taiko for over 15 years. She joined a local taiko group and was a member for 11 years, during which time she rose to become a lead player, instructor, and workshop leader within the group’s professional ensemble. Amidst a hectic Taiko-playing schedule, Shonagh was awarded her PhD in Pharmaceutics from Strathclyde University in 2013. She now balances her love of performing and teaching taiko with her professional life as a scientist.


See also: European Taiko Conference Homepage; 1st European Taiko Conference; 2nd European Taiko Conference; 3rd European Taiko Conference;

Tiffany Tamaribuchi
Shoji Kameda
Mark H Rooney
Karen and Tiffany
CCS Taiko

ETC Logo