Teacher Training & Resources

A3 Attitude
A3 Kata
A3 Technique

A3 Ki

What Do You Need?

To start teaching taiko in your school you need enthusiasm, perseverance and resilience – which are probably qualities you yourself seek to develop in the children you teach. Next, you need some basic training from Kagemusha Taiko, along with resources in the form of curriculum, repertoire and affordable drums. We can help you with all of these.

Kagemusha Taiko’s principle-based approach enables you to get started quickly. “Taiko is all about doing simple things well.” In this respect, it’s as much an attitude as anything else.

This might sound fanciful, but we are not suggesting that you can become a brilliant taiko player and teacher overnight. Jonathan Kirby, artistic director of Kagemusha Taiko and the company’s senior teacher, is himself a fully-qualified teacher as well as being author of books about learning and teaching taiko that have sold worldwide. With more than 20 years’ experience in helping people start their own classes and groups, we have a clear view of the criteria for success when it comes to starting a taiko programme in school.
Taiko cannot be taught successfully by someone who is not enthusiastic about it. To see whether or not taiko is for you, why not try our Taste of Taiko workshops offered as part of our Taiko South West programme?

If you’re in doubt about the value of taiko, watch the 70-second video: “What is taiko? Taiko is a vehicle for teaching everything that is important in life.”

Taiko for Schools, Volume 1, Fundamentals

This book by Jonathan Kirby provides support for a set of 21 short instructional videos, designed for use by school teachers in the UK, and suitable for showing in the classroom.

The suite of short videos was produced in consultation with teachers in North Devon, and was commissioned by Devon Music Education Hub, Taiko Outreach Programme for Schools, working in partnership with Kagemusha Taiko.

Purchase of the book will provide the buyer with the password needed to use the videos. The videos cover taiko foundations, base rhythms, simple taiko motifs and some extras.

Please go to our Taiko Store if you would like to buy a copy of the book.

Other Online Taiko Training Videos

      Useful links to other taiko resources:

         1. Kagemusha Taiko on YouTube

         2. The Way of the Drum

         3. kaDON – online training and taiko goods

         4. TaikoSource

         5. Musical Futures

         6. UK Taiko Festival

         7. European Taiko Conference

         8. Taiko Community Alliance (USA)

A3 Attitude
A3 Kata
A3 Technique

A3 Ki