Taiko has a special way of bringing people together – it’s “team drumming”, after all. But those connections can extend beyond a single taiko group. Taiko drumming offers the potential for regional, national, and international collaborations that can help break down barriers, build trust and understanding, and be great fun too!
Taiko Community Projects:
Cogito Ergo Drum
This 2023 project is currently in process. It involves more than 100 players, from 16 European taiko groups, in 8 different European countries. Click on the image on the left to find out more.
Melius Una
Melius Una (better as one) features as part of the 2022 Euro Taiko Expo in Hamburg, Germany.
The Same River – Taiko Without Borders
While taking its principles from the book, this is actually a video project conceived during the lockdowns of the corona pandemic.
European Taiko Conference
The four European Taiko Conferences ran from 2016-2019, in England and Germany.
UK Taiko Festival
The thirteen UK Taiko Festivals ran from 2005-2019.